MonaLisa Touch Vaginal Rejuvenation
Conveniently located to serve Kansas City

Urogynecology of Kansas City is happy to be the first clinic in Kansas City to offer MonaLisa Touch – a fast, safe, and highly effective nonhormonal alternative to treat common symptoms associated with vulvovaginal atrophy. These symptoms include vaginal dryness and itching, painful intercourse, and bladder symptoms (i.e. urinary incontinence, frequency, and urgency as well as recurrent urinary tract infections), which can have a profound impact on a woman’s daily life and intimate relationship. Monalisa Touch can turn back the hands of time and rejuvenate the vaginal tissue. Please contact us to schedule a consultation or with any questions regarding this exciting new treatment option.

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What is vulvovaginal atrophy?

Atrophy is a condition in which the walls of the vulva and vagina become thin and dry due to decreased estrogen (e.g. menopause, breast cancer treatment, removal of the ovaries, etc). Atrophy affects approximately 40% of women and may lead to the following symptoms:

  • vaginal dryness & itching
  • painful intercourse
  • bladder symptoms
    • recurrent urinary tract infections
    • urinary incontinence, frequency & urgency

What treatments are available for atrophy?

Traditional therapies for vaginal atrophy include vaginal moisturizers and/or lubricants, administration of hormones such as vaginal estrogen, or an oral medication called Osphena. Risks associated with estrogen include cancer, stroke, and blood clots, which may limit its use in some patients. MonaLisa Touch (MLT) in Kansas is a new non-hormonal option to treat atrophy. Other benefits of MLT over vaginal estrogen include no messy discharge, convenience, and the speed of symptom resolution.

Who are good candidates for MonaLisa Touch vaginal rejuvenation?

Any woman with gynecologic concerns can be a candidate for MonaLisa Touch vaginal rejuvenation. Candidates are looking for a non-invasive procedure to alleviate symptoms related to menopause or childbirth. Women who want to restore their sexual vitality are ideal candidates for MTL treatment.

Candidates should be fully committed to undergoing the recommended number of treatments for optimal results.

What should I expect during my consultation?

During your consultation, we will listen to your concerns. After a physical exam, we will go over your complete medical history. We will then recommend a treatment plan for your MonaLisa Touch vaginal rejuvenation. Each detail of the MTL procedure will be properly explained, and all questions will be answered.

How does MLT work?

MLT is a fractional CO2 laser introduced in Europe in 2008 and FDA-approved for gynecologic use in the United States in 2012. CO2 laser technology has been used for decades to restore skin in other areas of the body. Therapy consists of 3 treatments which are done in the office with no anesthesia. The laser induces a cellular response that generates new collagen, elastin, and vascularization.

The MonaLisa Touch vaginal rejuvenation procedure introduces gentle laser energy in the treatment area using a probe inserted into the vaginal canal. The two-part laser pulse penetrates both the surface tissue and the deep tissue to boost vaginal mucosal rejuvenation.

The three MonaLisa Touch vaginal rejuvenation treatment sessions will be spaced six weeks apart.

Is MLT painful and what is the recovery time?

There is no preparation required for MLT. The vaginal area is treated with a numbing cream in the office. Treatment takes approximately 5 minutes during which time a small probe is placed in the vagina with minimal to no discomfort. Many patients report that it feels like a gentle vibration. No post-treatment pain medicine is required. Patients are able to return to work or regular activity immediately with the exception of intercourse which requires 48 hour waiting period.

During the first day after treatment, the patient may experience minor sensitivity, itchiness, swelling, or redness in the treated area. Aside from sexual intercourse, the patient may have to avoid swimming, hot tubs, bicycling, lifting heavy weights, and performing physical exercise.

It is recommended for the patient to wear loose cotton underwear and to avoid tight-fitting pants and panty hose. Other aftercare instructions may also be provided depending on the details of the patient’s case.

Are there any side effects or complications from MLT?

While MLT is rather new to the United States, it has been used outside the US since 2008 where more than 15,000 patients have been treated. No short-term or long-term adverse events were noted in recent US or European studies. To date, no patients at Urogynecology of Kansas City have reported any serious side effects or adverse events.

How soon can I expect results and are future treatments required?

Though three sessions are required, many patients experience relief right away. Virtually all patients report improved symptoms at the completion of the treatment series. A 2016 study completed at Stanford reported 92% of patients were satisfied or very satisfied with their results at 12 months.

The initial series of three MLT treatments provide symptom relief for up to 12-18 months. A single once-a-year treatment is recommended to maintain tissue health.

young couple laughing

Is MLT covered by insurance?

Because this procedure is relatively new to the United States, it is not currently covered by managed care, and therefore, it is considered an out-of-pocket expense. Please contact our office for information regarding cost and payment options.

Does MLT treat other conditions?

MLT in Kansas is being used for women with Lichen Sclerosis, a chronic inflammatory skin condition that results in white plaques, thinning skin, and scarring of the vulva, which can cause itching and pain. Traditional treatment consists of high-potency topical steroids. Initial study results with MLT are promising. The MLT treatment regimen differs from that of vaginal atrophy in that an external probe is used and up to five sessions may be required to achieve maximal results.

How much does MonaLisa Touch cost?

The cost of a MonaLisa Touch treatment will depend on several factors. The price can be affected by body type, type of technique performed, surgical complications, and even allergies. Find out more by scheduling a consultation in Kansas.

Schedule a consultation

Schedule your consultation for MonaLisa Touch in Kansas – contact Dr. Nosti and set up your appointment. During your appointment, you will be able to ask questions and bring up any concerns you may have about the procedure. Contact us today to get the look you’ve always wanted!


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